Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Noah is 4 Months Old

Noah is just growing up right before our eyes!  Here are some things he has been up to this past month.
-  Noah wear size 6 month clothes!
-   Size 1-2 diaper but could probably move up to a size 2.
-  You still nap and sleep in your swaddler but you can sleep without it too.
-  Noah takes cat naps during the day and doesn't seem to need long naps.  
-  He can fall asleep and do well without the paci.  
-  Tanky Panky goes to bed around 8:30 and wake up around 1 then 4 and then 7 to be up for the day (on a good night).   
-  Noah boy has his hands/toys in your mouth all day long!  He likes to wrap his hand in his blanket and shove it in his mouth.
-  Noah is a talker and has the cutest belly laugh!
-  He grabs at the toys on his play mat and saucer.  He brings everything to his mouth.
-  Noah Dean smiles so big when Sophie comes around.
He is such a laid back, content, happy baby. We are seriously the luckiest parents ever to have the cutest babies ever!

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