Thursday, November 22, 2012

5 old months

- Noah is wearing size 2 diapers.
-  He is wearing 6-9 month clothes.  Well he can still get into 6 month on top but he can only wear 9 month pants.  His chunker legs are just too big to fit into anything smaller.
-  Noah's sleep habits are much different from Sophie's.  He takes short morning naps sometimes only one and then he will take longer afternoon and evening naps.
- At night Noah isn't very consistent with how long he sleeps.  We have let him cry it out (for no longer than 10 minutes) a few nights and that seems to help him get back into a better routine.
-  Noah eats every 3 - 3.5 hours.
-  He loves hanging out in his saucer, his swing, and on the floor with his toys.  (He won't be in his swing much longer.)
-  Tank is such a smiley baby!
-  Noah is very observant and loves to study the world and people around him.

-  We took Noah on his first road trip to Sedona this month and he was such a trooper.
-  Noah rolled over from his back to his belly on Saturday, October 13.  He does it so fast too and mostly on the right side.
- On October 20th, Noah found his toesies!
- Noah is such a joy and we love him SOOO much!

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