Saturday, December 1, 2012

Sophie's Art

Sophie's babysitter had a cute little art show at the beginning of summer.   Here are a few of Sophie's masterpieces!  

Sophie is 2 1/2

Sophie is 2 1/2 going on 7 and on somedays its more like 17.  She is so darn cute, incredibly smart and has such a great personality.  Here is what life is like with Sweet Soph!

  • Sophie is wearing mostly a size 3T.  She can fit into some 2T but it depends on the day and the brand.
  • She is about 31 pounds.
  • She is potty trained and only wears diapers for sleeping.  However she doesn't really need one for her afternoon naps.  Occasionally she can go a whole night with out having to go potty!
  • She loves to eat!  Her favorite breakfast is a bowl of Cheerios.  She loves PB and J, pizza (from Costco), chicken nuggets, burritos, turkey sandwiches, spaghetti, and macaroni and cheese.  She also does really well eating whatever else we give her.  Sophie eats her veggies without a fuss and loves fruit too! 
  • Sophie's favorite show is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  She lights up and likes to dance around the room to the theme song.  
  • She is an expert at putting puzzles together.
  • Soph loves to sing and dance.  
  • Her favorite songs are Rise and Shine, Lord's Army, and Moves Like Jaggar.  I love how she loves her "church" music.  
  • Sophie loves to read.  At daycare she enjoys the Madeline books and at home she likes reading about Little Critter and Spot.
  • Sophie has not just ONE but TWO imaginary friends.  Bitty Boo and Gitty Goo.  They are both very small friends.  She also told us that one has pink hair and the other has blue.  Bitty Boo and Gitty Goo get in trouble often and spend quite a bit of their time in time-out.  
  • Sophie loves to be helpful!  She is a great sous-chef and second mommy to Noah.
  • Her best friend is her cousin, Aiden.  
  • She has a great little friends at daycare, Connor and Caroline.  
  • Sophie is a great BIG SISTER!  She helps get diapers and likes to be in charge of putting the velcro down on them.  She loves to hold him and feed him too. 
  • Saturday mornings Soph and Josh spend quality time together checking out garage sales.  They also like to stop for doughnuts and drinks.  

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Family Fun Day

This summer, Sophie was in love with splash pads.  (The way she says splash pad and swim suit is adorable because she is missing her /s/ sound.)  One evening, we were at a neighborhood park when a mom told us about this amazing splash pad in Fountain Hills.  SHE- WAS- RIGHT!  This was the mother of all splash pads and Sophie had so much fun!  We started off by playing in the water and then we went over to the nearby park.  Sophie wore herself out and crashed shortly after we got home.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

5 old months

- Noah is wearing size 2 diapers.
-  He is wearing 6-9 month clothes.  Well he can still get into 6 month on top but he can only wear 9 month pants.  His chunker legs are just too big to fit into anything smaller.
-  Noah's sleep habits are much different from Sophie's.  He takes short morning naps sometimes only one and then he will take longer afternoon and evening naps.
- At night Noah isn't very consistent with how long he sleeps.  We have let him cry it out (for no longer than 10 minutes) a few nights and that seems to help him get back into a better routine.
-  Noah eats every 3 - 3.5 hours.
-  He loves hanging out in his saucer, his swing, and on the floor with his toys.  (He won't be in his swing much longer.)
-  Tank is such a smiley baby!
-  Noah is very observant and loves to study the world and people around him.

-  We took Noah on his first road trip to Sedona this month and he was such a trooper.
-  Noah rolled over from his back to his belly on Saturday, October 13.  He does it so fast too and mostly on the right side.
- On October 20th, Noah found his toesies!
- Noah is such a joy and we love him SOOO much!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Noah is 4 Months Old

Noah is just growing up right before our eyes!  Here are some things he has been up to this past month.
-  Noah wear size 6 month clothes!
-   Size 1-2 diaper but could probably move up to a size 2.
-  You still nap and sleep in your swaddler but you can sleep without it too.
-  Noah takes cat naps during the day and doesn't seem to need long naps.  
-  He can fall asleep and do well without the paci.  
-  Tanky Panky goes to bed around 8:30 and wake up around 1 then 4 and then 7 to be up for the day (on a good night).   
-  Noah boy has his hands/toys in your mouth all day long!  He likes to wrap his hand in his blanket and shove it in his mouth.
-  Noah is a talker and has the cutest belly laugh!
-  He grabs at the toys on his play mat and saucer.  He brings everything to his mouth.
-  Noah Dean smiles so big when Sophie comes around.
He is such a laid back, content, happy baby. We are seriously the luckiest parents ever to have the cutest babies ever!

3 months

Noah is 3 months TOMORROW!  This little guy has changed so much in just a month.

-He loves to be in a standing position.
- He has an incredibly strong neck!
- His sweet smile is infectious
- He is transitioning from a size 1 to a size 2 diaper
- He is still taking 4oz every 3 hrs.  I have started adding dairy back into my diet and he seems to be a happy boy.
- Noah eats around 8:30pm and falls asleep around 9 or 9:30 he will sleep for about 4 hours and then put himself back on a three hour schedule.  Some nights he wants to be up more often.
- We swaddle him when its time to go to sleep and he seems to do really well with it.
- August 6th he rolled from his back to his tummy three times - he did it a couple more times that week and then hasn't done it since
-Buddy boy loves his bath time!  When I put him in there he kicks his little feet and smiles.

Taken 3 days before Noah turned 3 months.  This was the first day of MOMs group at church.

We took out the saucer a little earlier for Noah.  He absolutely loves it and his favorite are the pandas.

Noah found the same comfy spot that Sophie liked to snuggle in.  

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Noah is 2 months

This little boy of ours is growing so fast.  He is quite a chunker compared to when he was first born.  At his 2 month appointment he weighed in at 14 lbs and 2oz.  When I looked back at Sophie's stats she was 14lbs at 4 months.  I can only imagine what Noah will be then!

Noah's tummy issues continued into this month.  We tried Similac Advanced, Soy, and Infamil Gentlease and none of them seemed to agree with his tummy.  I also stopped eating dairy and onions.  After weeks of not being able to get him to go number 2 and still being gassy, we took him off formula completely.  Thankfully we saw a huge change in our little guy after having no formula in his system.

He is also on a great schedule these days.  At six weeks, we decided it was time!  So he now gets 4oz every 3hrs.  He is usually up for about 1hr after he eats and will sleep for the other two.  I think he LOVES his new schedule because he wakes up and seems so content. :)

At 6 weeks we put Noah in his own room to sleep for naps and through the night.  He prefers the firmness of his mattress compared to the bassinet in the pack and play.  During the nights he usually sleeps 3-4 hours and if I am lucky he will go 5hrs every once and awhile.

He is very alert and loves being held outwards so he can checkout the world around him.

With Sophie, we held her non-stop.  Even throughout the night she would sleep with Josh in his "daddy" chair.  Unfortunately that is not possible for little Noah.  However, he has had more tummy time because of this and he is getting to be so strong.  I know that he will be a roller very soon!

Noah wears size one diapers and is wearing 0-3 month clothes.

He loves baths and being outdoors.

Noah loves watching his sister~  Gramma and Mimi have both said that they have already caught him smiling at her.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Oh Sophie....

You crack us up!

Here are some funny things that Sophie has said recently.

After Noah's newborn picture session, Sophie and Auntie Steph were looking at our wedding albums.  Steph was telling Sophie how her mommy and daddy got married.  So Sophie ran in the living room and told us that we were married.  Well, now that she has decided that it is a good thing that we are married we are allowed to give hugs and kisses to each other because before we were not allowed.  She  didn't like it at all and would cry if Josh touched me.  Fast forward a couple weeks... We are walking around Costco (Sophie's favorite place) and Josh asks Sophie if he can give me a kiss.  She smiles really big and says, "Yes, marrrrrrrrrrrried!"  After Josh gives me a smooch he asks if he can give her a kiss.  She replies with, "Yes, I married too!"

A while back I decided to make some cupcakes with Sophie.  Before Sophie took her first bite she said, "Daddy, I have cupcakes.  It's my birthday!  Sing to me!"  So Josh sang to her and right after with huge smile on her face she asks, "WHERE ARE MY PRESENTS!?!"

Sophie came with me to Target one evening to buy a present for a baby shower that I was going to.  On the way there I was explaining to my inquisitive daughter why I was buying a gift for someone with a baby in their belly.  Here is how our condo went...
Sophie:  I have a baby in my belly, too!
Me:  You have to be married first then you can have a baby.
Sophie: I married.
Me:  Who are you married to?
Sophie:  Long Pause.... DADDY!

Just for fun I asked Sophie a few questions about what she likes...

What is your favorite color?  Orange
What is your favorite food?  Peanut Butter and Jelly
What do you want to be when you grow up?  A giraffe... ROAR!!!
Where do you want to work?  At schoooooool (in a singing voice)
What are you going to do there?  Push buttons on the computer
What is your favorite toy?  LUCY
Who is your best friend?  without hesitation she answered... AIDEN!!!!
What is your favorite T.V. show?  Word World

Our little two year old is a smarty pants and full of things to say!  We love everyday with this little love and are so proud of the big girl she is becoming!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Noah - One Month

- On Monday, June 25th, you turned one month old!
- During the day you nurse pretty much every 3 hours.  Sometimes it is every 2 hours.
- At night you are still on a 2-3 hour schedule. You usually take about an hour to nurse at night because you are so sleepy.
- You love being swaddled.
- You sleep in the pack-n-play beside our bed. 
- You are a noisy little sleeper.  I was concerned about it but the doctor said it is called periodic respiration and its completely normal.- Your tummy started bothering you around 3 weeks.  You would get angry toots and they would wake you up from your sleep.  At four weeks we put you on Zantac for your reflux.  
- Sophie is so in love with you!  She has cute little nicknames for you like bumble bee, honey-bunny, buddy, and bubba.  
- You are not  a big fan of pacis like your sister.  We gave you one from the hospital and you prefer it over the ones we bought you.
- Newborn clothes still fit perfectly and your 0-3 month clothes are a little big but you still wear them.

- You weigh 8 lbs and 5oz and are 21in long.
- You are the cutest little boy and we love you so much!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sophie LOVES Noah

Sophie just adores her little brother.  From the moment she laid eyes on him she was completely obsessed.  He is the first thing she asks about in the morning and always gives him kisses before bed.   She will say, "Where'd Noah go?" or  "What Noah doing?"  or "That's my Noah!"  

Tummy time together

Holding HER Noah

BIG Kisses

Our cuties

Feeding him - What a lil momma!

Playing Pat-a-cake


It is super sweet watching these two together!  I hope she always loves him this much!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Oh Mimi...

How we love you!

While we stayed in the hospital Josh's mom took care of our Sophie girl.  She also came over for a whole week to help out while Josh had to go to work.  Since my dr. told me to stay in bed for about a week it was great to have her with us.  She was so sweet and helpful.

Sophie was in heaven because she had her Mimi all to herself.  She loved stealing her away to her room so they could play for hours together.

Monday, July 16, 2012


Noah loves the tub!

Sophie was a big fan of baths too!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Noah - One Week Old

Noah is the perfect little baby.  He hardly fusses and when he does it is because he wants to eat or needs to be changed.  He is nursing on demand which is about every 2-3 hours.   He sleeps well during naps and throughout the night.  Life with Noah is simply sweet.  We are having a blast as a family of four.

Family and Friends Meet Noah

Saturday, July 7, 2012

His story

On the 23rd of May, we had our routine doctor appointment with Dr. Busch.  At that visit he told us that I was 4cm and that I should go to school the next day but to keep in close contact with him.  He also said that newborns are healthiest when born between 39- 41 weeks so he said that he was hoping that we could keep him cooking until at least the 1st of June (which would be 2 days before he was 38 weeks).  That night, after our appt. I vacuumed, packed, did laundry, steamed our bottles and got things ready for his arrival.  I had a feeling that our little guy was not going to wait until the 1st.

The following day, May 24th,  I went to spend the last day of school with my kiddos.  While my kids were busy with some of the fun activities we had planned for them, I worked really hard to finish my checkout list of honey do's.  Around 10am, I started having some uncomfortable contractions.  I called Josh just to keep him updated and we decided that I should try changing positions/activities to see if the contractions would go away and they did.  When school got out I was saying my goodbyes and a lot of people asked when my due date was.  I told them that my doctor wanted me to wait another week but I thought that he was going to come that night.  I made sure to tell my principal that I finished my checkout list and that I probably wouldn't be returning to school on Friday and headed home.  Josh met up with me at home and we all hopped in the car to go to my routine NST and Biophysical profile (ultrasound).  Josh was sure that we were going to be able to wait until the first so he was a little skeptical when I packed the car with my bags and stuff for us to stay at the hospital.

Our first appt was the Biophysical profile and it went much faster than the others that we've had.  The tech didn't printout any pictures for us this time around and in the past we had received multiple pictures from our ultrasounds.  During the NST, I was having more contractions that were pretty painful  but the NST looked normal so the nurse decided that she was going to discharge me.  While we were at the dr. office the day before he said that if I was having contractions that they would probably admit me so I asked the nurse to call Dr. Busch.  I was not ready to go home so I asked multiple times to get checked and for Dr. Busch to be called.  The nurse was wonderful and very patient as I was adamant about  not being discharged right away.  Josh was not very happy with me for being so persistent because he was worried about the health of our baby and thought that we could wait until the first (like Dr. B wanted).  Well, around 6:30 our nurse got a hold of Dr. B and I was checked and admitted at about 6cm.

Josh took Sophie home and Josh's mom met him there to take care of little Miss Sophie. While Josh was gone, I made a phone call to my parents and they wrapped up what they were doing and headed to the hospital to be with me.  This all seemed like deja vu minus the part where we have Sophie with us.  My parents, Josh, and Josh's dad all hung out with me in my room while I labored.  They were there all the way up to "go time".  My plan was to have an epidural as soon as I could but I was progressing quickly and I didn't feel like I needed an epidural.  I was able to breath through the pain with the help of Josh and my mom by my side without an epidural all the way up to 9 3/4cm.  At that point, Dr. B said that our little guy's head was to the side and that it was preventing me to progress.  I couldn't handle the pain any longer so at about a quarter after 11 and almost 10cm I got an epidural.  It was such a relief!  I was so relaxed and at 11:55 I was ready to start pushing.  About 20 minutes later, we were holding our little guy in our arms!!!!

My WONDERFUL mom and I

My AMAZING parents

 My BEST FRIEND and the world's BEST husband and daddy

Noah's cousin Aiden, who stayed up to meet him... we love that little guy!
Auntie Nae and the ROY BOY!

Poppi and Noah

Uncle Joel and Auntie Steph were are first visitors on Saturday.

Sophie meeting Noah for the first time = LOVE at first sight!
First family picture
Me and the little loves of my life
Mimi and Noah
Nate and Jan also came to meet the little guy!


His arrival brought us so much joy and the feeling that our family was finally complete!  He is absolutely precious and so loved!!!!
