Sunday, July 24, 2011

14 Months Old

* Sophie's front two teeth are just starting to peek through.
* She can now walk backwards and has learned how to "run"
* Words she can say... more, please (sounds like peaz), all done (sounds like ahh da), dog, stop, dada, mama, pop pop, duck, baby, off, out
* She will repeat a lot of animal sounds
* Favorite foods: blueberries, watermelon, bananas, pizza, hot dogs, mac and cheese, spaghetti
* Foods she dislikes: MEAT
* Sophie loves to play with her baby and blankets. She usually holds them and walks laps around our kitchen.
* Funny Sophie Story: While I was making our bed one morning, Sophie came into our room, opened a drawer in our dresser, pulled out one of Josh's t-shirts, and headed out to the living room. Josh was working on his Fantasy Baseball stuff on the couch and Sophie walked over and started tugging on his shirt and saying, "Off, off, off..." Then she handed Josh the other shirt that she pulled out of the drawer and made him change. Once he changed she took the old shirt and brought it back to our bedroom. She is already becoming a little fashionista.
* She sleeps from 7:30 at night to about 6:30 or 7 in the morning. Soph also takes 2 naps during the day for about an hour and a half.
* Sophie spends most of her day reading. Her favorite books are her word books and books by Sandra Boyton.
* She does the actions to the song, If You're Happy and You Know It. She also tries to do the hands for Itsy Bitsy Spider.
* Sophie learned how to pucker her lips and make a kissy sound.

We could just watch Sophie for hours... she is pure entertainment. Josh and I love everything about her and couldn't imagine our lives without our baby girl.

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