Saturday, October 1, 2011

Memorable Moments

Here are just a few fun stories about our daughter, Sophie...

* Yesterday we were on our way to dinner and we were saying the ABCs with Sophie. After each letter, I would say something that begins with that letter like a book she has. To our surprise Sophie was able to follow along with a couple of letters. She could say that D and dog go together along with G and Goat. That is better than some of my first graders.... GO SOPH!!!!

* Today, Sophie looked at me and said, "Poop." I asked her if she wanted to go poopy on the potty and as soon as she said yes we went. Then our BIG girl did it! We aren't potty training her right now but this is a certainly a good beginning.

* We also made Sophie's toes pretty today and painted them pink! She was so good and patient as I painted them. She helped me blow on them to dry and didn't even try to touch them!

* As I was putting away our groceries from Costco today, I looked over and Sophie was splashing in Lucy's water dish. Shortly after that she crawled through the dog door. She absolutely loves Luc and apparently she wants to be just like her... YIKES!

* We would always know that Sophie was up because she would be crying in her crib. That was until just recently. Now she shouts, MAMA!!! for me to come and get her! I LOVE IT!!!!!

* Josh and I always get a kick out of how Sophie is so sociable. When we are out and about shopping she will wave and say Hi to just about anyone she sees. Sometimes her Hi makes her sound like she has a bit of a southern accent.

She is the most precious little girl in the world to us and makes us so proud and BLESSED to be her parents! We just can't get enough of our Sophie Lee.

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