Sunday, August 28, 2011
15 Months
Sophie is 15 months now and here is what she is up to these days...
* Words she can say... more, please (sounds like peaz), all done (sounds like ahh da), dog, cat, cow, Luc, stop (sounds like bop), dada, mama, pop pop, duck, baby, off, out, home, nana (banana), apple, cracker, cookie, milk, car, one, wow, ball, hat, diaper (sounds like biper), Kipper (sounds like pip), bath, go, water (sounds like wahhr), and Whoo hoo!! Her doctor told us that a 15 month old should be saying at least a half a dozen words. I guess little Miss. Sophie is ahead of the game!
* When we ask her what a dog, cat, sheep, cow, horse, pig, lion, and frog says she will tell us the sound they make
* She knows where her eyes, ears, mouth, toes, head, hair, teeth, fingers, belly, and nose are.
* Sophie's BFF is her baby! She usually holds them and walks laps around our kitchen. Lately, she will pat her back and give her lots of kisses. Sometimes she even brings her baby over to us so we can give her kisses too. Sophie's baby does just about everything that Sophie does... she will go to Sophie's chair to eat, swing on the swing, go down the slide, sleep in her crib, and she even drinks water from a cup.
* The other day we were in the car and I sneezed, from the back seat of the car I heard,"blss" Josh turned to me and asked if she just said, Bless you? We agreed that she did and that she has the best manners ever for a 15 month old little girl!
* She sleeps from 7:00 at night to about 6:00 in the morning. Soph also takes 2 naps during the day for about an hour and a half.
* Soph is a monkey these days! She likes to climb up onto the couch and chair in the living room. She also latches onto us and has us take her for rides on our backs.
* Sophie's favorite songs are, If You're Happy and You Know It, Head and Shoulders, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Row Row Your Boat, and Twinkle Twinkle
* I absolutely love when she stops everything that she is doing just to walk over and give me a hug and kiss.
* She is afraid of the blow dryer, vacuum, and anything else that makes a loud, blowing noise.
* Sophie's favorite and only show that she watches is Kipper. She watches it right at the end of her day as a part of her bedtime routine.
* When we ask her a question she will nod or shake her head to respond. Usually her responses are correct.
* Sophie loves her bathtime and brushing her teeth. She walks into the bathroom randomly and says, "bath, bath, bath...." Sophie is really good about brushing her teeth by herself. However, she is not a big fan of letting me "help out".
* Height: 31 1/4 in (75th percentile)
* Weight: 25.4lbs (75th percentile)
Our little girl is growing up so fast and keeps us laughing all the time. We just love. love. love herl!!!
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