Monday, March 21, 2011

10 Months Old

* Sophie can now push up onto all fours and crawl around. She stays on all fours while on the carpet but plops onto her belly when she gets into the kitchen.
* Around the first week of March, Sophie cut her first two teeth. They are not fully up but they have definitely made their grand appearance. It has been a painful experience but our little girl is a trooper!
* Soph knows exactly where they plastic containers are and loves to crawl into the kitchen to play with them!

*This has been an unhealthy month for Soph. She had double ear infections twice, a cold, breathing treatments for a yucky cough, pink eye, and a lingering ear infection in her left ear. It is unbelievably frustrating to see her in so much pain and discomfort (mostly at night). Most days it's difficult to even know she is sick because she is such a happy baby. On the days she sleeps for hours, wants nothing more than to snuggle up in our arms, and whimpers it is heartbreaking.

* Sophie learned to wave bye- bye.
* * Sophie loves to pull herself up onto things these days! I think she is proud of herself because once she stands up all the way she will bounce/dance out of excitement.
* She can now walk around with the little dinosaur toy by herself!
* She loves to EAT! Her favorites are bananas, blueberries, apples, green beans, peas and carrots.
* Sophie's nine month jeans are like high waters on her... she is now wearing 12 month clothes!!!
* We have tried feeding Soph pureed meats and she is not a big fan of them.
* Sophie is an awesome sleeper! We usually put her down around 7:30 and she sleeps peacefully until 6:30 in the morning when I wake her up to start the day.

Sophie is growing up so quickly. She is learning new things everyday and never ceases to amaze us.

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