Sophie has grown so much in these past two months. It's incredible how much a little human can learn in such a short period of time. Here is what our one and a half year old is up to...
* Sophie is transitioning from two naps to one afternoon nap.
* She goes to bed at 7pm and wakes up at 6 almost on the dot. For a couple weeks she was waking up between 5 and 5:30 in the morning ready to play and eat! Thank goodness we are back on a schedule that makes EVERYONE happy!
* Sophie is a pretty good eater. She loves hot dogs, bananas, animal crackers, raisins, and cheese. She isn't a big fan of meat, eggs, or potatoes. Sophie loves ranch and ketchup just like her daddy!!
* Soph loves to play outside and go for walks. She loves the texture of walking on rocks and loves running around on our grass. If we go outside, she loves to invite Lucy and holds her leash.
* Her favorite things to play inside are her baby, her dinosaur walker, mommy and daddy's clothes/shoes, and her blankets.
* Her teeth are starting to come in. She has at least four fully through on the top and only two on the bottom. However, her molars and some other teeth are starting to push their way through.
* She and Josh both had the stomach flu a couple weeks ago. :(
* I love that she is a mommy and daddy's girl!
* At 16 months-ish she was saying at least 35-40 words. Now, we cannot even keep count of the things she is saying these days. She is counting to ten (minus seven and eight) and saying simple sentences. She will say things like, " I want to go outside", " I don't know," " .... in the car," "Where'd he go?" We love that she communicates so well and can tell us what she wants these days.
* Sophie is very POLITE! She will say please and thank you without having to be asked and sometimes she will even apologize if she does something "naughty". If someone sneezes (including herself) she will say, bless you.
* Listening to her say, I love you, is the sweetest thing in the world!
* Sophie loves to sing songs. Some of her favorites are the Itsy Bitsy Spider, Skidamarinka Dinka Dink, Twinkle Twinkle, Row Row Your Boat, Ring Around the Rosie, Wheels On The Bus, and Head and Shoulders.
* Sophie really really enjoys watching Kipper before bed!
* Soph refers to Josh as Dada, Daddy (which sometimes sounds like Ducky), Josh, and Babe.
* Sophie's Stats: Height 32.5 in and Weight 27 lbs
* Sophie is learning the color red.
Josh and I fall in love with our Sophie girl more and more everyday. She is bright, full or personality, spunky, stubborn, funny, creative, loving, helpful, and so much more. She is PERFECT in every way!!!!

Dress Up Time


Shaving with Daddy

Cute lil' pumpkin