Sunday, November 21, 2010

6 Months

I can't believe it... our little girl is half a year old! We are just amazed at how much she has grown and developed. Here is a fun little update of our Sophie girl...

* We spoiled ourselves rotten by rocking Sophie to sleep for the first 5 months of her life and made the decision to teach her to sleep on her own this past month. Of course, our little one mastered that pretty darn quickly.
*Due to being sick, Sophie went through a period this past month of waking up pretty often during the night and needed to be rocked back to sleep. Recently, she has just needed her paci to be put in and is soothing herself back to sleep.
*Amazingly, Sophie holds herself up extremely well while sitting! Even if she wobbles a bit she can pull herself up and sit up tall.
*Sophie is a pretty laid back girl. She is content on playing on her tummy so she doesn't roll over often but she can do it!
*We still have the HAPPIEST little girl in the world!
*If something is within reach Soph will dive to get it if she is in our arms. Her small motor skills are getting really good and she is able to grab smaller objects, pull them toward her, and put them in her mouth.
*Sophie LOVES eating! She makes a cute noise whenever she sees her food and kicks her legs! As of right now, Sophie has had squash, pumpkin, avacado, green beans, carrots, sweet potatoes/yams, and potatoes. She hates avacados and potatoes with a passion! She eats two solid meals a day, one for breakfast and one for dinner.
*Josh's nickname for Sophie is... CHUNKY-MONKEY!
*Another great nickname for her is Chatterbox! My great-grandpa gave me this nickname when I was little and I am proud to say that our little girl is full of stuff to say too. Sophie loves to chat and tell us what is on her mind!
*Sophie's belly laugh is the greatest! She thinks her daddy is the funniest guy alive and I couldn't agree more. She also loves to be tickled. Whenever she sits on Josh's lap she rubs her toes through his beard and cracks up! What a goofy girl we have!
*At her 6 month doctor appointment, Sophie weighed 17 pounds and 13 ounces and her length was 27.5 inches! We can't believe that she is in the 97th percentile for her height! She is going to tower over me someday and maybe even over Josh.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Special Gift

Last week, Sophie received a special gift from her Grammie. Grammie Sophie's baby ring. It fits a little snug on Soph's pudgy little hand but it looks adorable on her. We know it won't fit forever so we hope to get a cute little chain for her to wear around her neck some day. Thank you Grammie for passing down your ring! Hopefully one day Sophie will be able to pass it down to her daughter or granddaughter.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Sick Again!

Its been a little over a month and our little pumpkin is sick again! She has another ear infection and caught another cold. It is so sad to hear her struggle to breath through her stuffy little nose and listen to her coughing. We hope she gets better soon so we can enjoy this wonderful fall weather!

You wouldn't know that she was sick by looking at this adorable smile!


I have been following Envy My Cooking for sometime now and love their blog! They have great recipe ideas and some really fun giveaways. Recently, they had a giveaway for some Scentsy products and I decided to enter. To my surprise, I actually won! I love Scentsy products and can't wait to have my own! For some great recipes, decorative ideas, and to win free stuff you should definitely check out their blog!

Back to School

I have officially been back to school for two weeks now and Sophie has been to her sitters. It has taken a lot of prayer but we are finally getting the hang of our new schedule. The beginning was really rough, as we had to get used to dropping Sophie off in someone else's care but I feel like our choice in her sitter is a great one. She has been so patient as it hasn't been easy on any of us getting adjusted and she has really taken such great care of Sophie. Her daughter is three and absolutely loves Soph. When I bring her in the door she asks where she is and then says, "Oooh, sweet Sophie!" It's adorable! Josh has been amazing and such a rock for our family! He even took the day off when I first went back to work so that he could drop me off, have lunch with me, and then come and pick me up. Some days are harder than others but everyday gets better and better. I love being with my students during the day and working at Ishikawa. I feel so blessed to have a job that I love and a wonderful family that supports me!

Sophie's First Halloween

First off, I would like to say a BIG thank you Carters for making the most adorable Ladybug costume ever! It was the perfect costume for Sophie's first Halloween! I can honestly say I would dress her up in her costume everyday of the week just to stare and squeeze that cute little Ladybug. No need to worry... I don't!

Last year, we started a tradition with Josh's family where we carve pumpkins and hang out the night before Halloween. This year, Janae and Andrew hosted the fun night at their house. We had a BBQ, dressed up our little ones, and carved pumpkins. It was also really nice to include our great family friends, Nate and Jan. With our busy schedules we aren't able to see them enough so it was so special of them to be able to join us. We had a fun night with the family and we were super proud of how our pumpkin turned out! Go Suns! :)

On Halloween, Josh and I went to get our boo-rito from Chipotle and had a little picnic in the park with Sophie. I think next year Sophie will love walking around and seeing kids dressed up just like her.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Family Fun Night at the SUNS Game!

My parents planned a really fun outing for all of us on the 29th. They got us all matching Suns jerseys and tickets to the Suns' opening game against the Lakers! Before the game we went to The Duce, an old brick warehouse that was turned into a very UNIQUE restaurant in downtown Phoenix. The yummy items on their menu are made from organic, local ingredients and my favorite was their old-fashion soda fountain. We were able to get the original Dr. Pepper for Josh and an Almond Joy soda for me. Yes... thats right! I had an Almond Joy soda and it was delicious, just like the candy bar but with a bit of fizz! After our dinner we dropped Soph off at her Grammie and Pop's for a bit while we headed to the game. It was so fun to be there for the opener and to BOOO those Laker players! It was a close call at the end but unfortunately the Suns lost. We had so much fun with my family and look forward to many more "Family Fun Nights" with them!

Yeah... Veggies!!!

We decided a while that it would be fun to make Sophie's first solid foods. And that we did!!! A couple weeks ago, Sophie tried out some sweet potato which she seemed to really like. Last week was butternut squash and which she also liked. This weekend we are going to puree some pumpkin and avacado! Josh and I didn't like avacado until we were adults but we will see what Soph thinks!

Josh loves feeding Soph her veggies!
Soph LOVES eating them!
I love preparing them!

Sitting Up

I took this pictures last week of Sophie last week. We thought that she was barely using support to sit up then. To our surprise this week she has needed much less. My... Oh... My... She is growing up too quickly!
