Sunday, August 29, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

3 Months Old

This little girl is growing so fast! Here are some updates about our Sophie girl...

*She naps regularly during the day... a solid two hour morning nap and about one hour naps throughout the rest of the day.
*She is beginning to sleep through the night. On Sunday, August 22nd, she slept through the whole night and I had to wake her up for her early morning feeding. Every other night she wakes up a couple times for me to put her paci back into her mouth and re-swaddle her.

*She sits for a few seconds at a time
*She kicks and talks up a storm when she is on her stomach. She pushes up a bit and has even rolled from her tummy to her back a couple times.
*She likes to play with her toys. It's fun to watch her focus in on something and grab for it. Especially her baby-doll!

*Sophie is pretty easy going and happy. Although, when she wants something she will definitely make it known!
*When she was born we always held her during her naps. Since Josh has gone back to school I have been putting her down for each nap and having her sleep in her crib. Most of the time she does really well but other times she prefers the swing or her lamb chair.
*She has been drooling a lot lately and putting everything into her mouth. She loves her paci, teething rings, and her pointer finger.
*When we got on outings she does really well. She loves to study the world around her!
*We thought her eyes might be blue but they are starting to stay a BEAUTIFUL hazel color.
*She loves her baths... they are so relaxing to her!

Dancer or Soccer Player?

I vote DANCER!!! Sophie loves to kick, kick, KICK! Especially her daddy's face because of his scruffy beard on the days he doesn't shave.

Monday, August 16, 2010


2 Things...

1. So for the past month or so Sophie has been on a great schedule where she eats at 9, goes to bed at 10 and wakes up around 3:30 or 4:00 for her morning feed. We had been so proud of our little 8- 11 week old as she was able to skip her middle of the night feeding. Then on Friday night, Sophie ate at 9 and was passed out by 9:30. We were a little worried that she might wake up in the middle of the night... but she didnt! Instead she slept all the way through to her 6:00 a.m. feeding! A whole 8 and a half hours between feedings! Saturday night didn't go the same way BUT last night she made it through the night again!!!! I only had to wake up a couple times to put her paci back into her mouth and she did the rest! Whoo Hooo!!

2. Saturday afternoon (8/14), little miss Sophie rolled over from her belly to her back! She hasn't done it again and it is okay by me. There is no need to rush her into growing up any faster than she already is.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Aiden!

We love you Aiden Roy!

Chatter Box

Here is a video of Sophie talking to her daddy!
Make sure you go to the bottom of the screen and pause the music before you watch the video.

First Day of School

Wednesday morning was unlike any other first day of school that Josh and I have been together for. He went to school and I didn't. We both decided that I would continue my maternity leave even after the whole summer of being home with Soph. It is such a blessing to be able to be home with our little girl for 11 more weeks and I am so thankful to have a husband who is supportive of me having this time at home with our daughter. After a whole summer of being home with our little one, I know that Josh is struggling with being away from her. So, Soph and I do our best to drop in frequently so that he can see her for a bit.

Here is a picture of Josh and Sophie on the first day of school...

First Ball-Game!

My dad got tickets for the whole family to attend the Diamondback v. Padres game on the 7th. Not only was it a special day for Gonzo but it was special for Sophie too because it was her first baseball game. My parents got Sophie ready for the game by buying her a D-backs onsie and my sister made it girly by getting her a cute black skirt to go with it. She looked so stinkin' cute in her pretty little outfit!!! Sophie is very attentive these days and loves looking around so needless to say she had a lot to see at the ball park. Since the game was sold out it was pretty noisy and Sophie didn't like that too much BUT she did like spending time with her Gramma, Poppi, and Auntie Sarah!!!

At Nellos before the game

Visiting Great Grandma

Last weekend we decided to visit Josh's grandma. We knew that Josh's parents were going to be at the nursing home that day and decided to surprise them by showing up. However, when we pulled in WE were pleasantly surprised to see Aiden and Janae there. It was a perfect visit because G.G. got to visit with both of her great grandkids and we got to capture those precious moments on camera. She isn't talking these day so she couldn't verbalize how happy she was to squeeze our kids but her face said it all. She was in heaven!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sophie meets friends from The Bridge

We attended our friend Tony's birthday party a couple weekends ago. While we were there we caught up with some friends from church and introduced them to our Sophie girl.

Sophie meeting Mayzie for the first time
Can you believe they are 7 weeks apart?

D.J. wasn't at the party but Sophie met him too!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

So Long...

as my gramma would say!

About a month away from her birthday my gramma passed away. We are so blessed that she was very much apart of our lives and had the opportunity to love on Sophie. The nurses where she lived said that she always talked about her first great-grandchild and that she loved her very much. We also knew that Sophie was special to my gramma because whenever one of us called her the first thing she asked about was our little Sophie girl. It is unfortunate that she isn't with us anymore but we will always have our memories of the time that we spent with her and we will remember the funny words that she would use like, "eons" and "horsefeathers". We are thankful that she is no longer in pain and is resting peacefully now.
